

Our parish has always been blessed by the generosity of its members in providing for its financial costs. Almost all of our income comes from the contribution of you, the parishioners. Your gift allows for the provision of our priests, staff wages, the upkeep of our buildings and the various costs associated with parish ministries. Thank you for your contribution to your parish, without which we would not exist.

There are several ways you can support your parish financially:

Parish Donation Portal : You can directly manage your own parish giving by setting up a regular or one-off donation, using credit card or debit card. Click here.

Weekly Envelopes: You will receive a pack of envelopes – one for each Sunday of the year – which you can bring along to Sunday Mass to place in the collection basket. Please contact the parish office to sign up.

Direct Bank Transfer to the parish bank account

If you wish to make a direct transfer to our parish bank account, please contact the parish office for our BSB and Account details (49721025 or


Some parishioners may wish to include the parish as a beneficiary in their will. If you would like to do so, please contact the parish office (49721025 or