Mass Times
Star of the Sea - Gladstone
Sunday 8:00am & 6:00pm
Tuesday 5:30pm
Wednesday 7:00am
Thursday 10:40am Chanel College chapel (During Christmas holidays, Mass will be at 7am Star of the Sea)
Friday 9:00am
St Peter Chanel - Tannum Sands
5:00pm Saturday Vigil: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sunday of the month
8:00am 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month: Liturgy of the Word with Communion
St Patrick's - Calliope
5:00pm Saturday Vigil: 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
Our Lady of Mt Carmel - Mt Larcom
11:00am 1st Sunday of the month
St Peter Chanel - Miriam Vale
11:00am 2nd Sunday of the month
St Mary's - Ubobo
11:00am 3rd Sunday of the month
St Agnes - Agnes Water
11:00am 4th Sunday of the month
Liturgy of the Word with Communion on the 1st & 3rd Sundays at 11:00am
New Auckland Place Aged Care Residence
1:30pm Last Wednesday of the month
Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation)
Star of the Sea (Gladstone)
8:30am – 9:20am Saturday
St Peter Chanel (Tannum Sands)
4:15pm – 4:45pm Saturday (1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month)
St Patrick's (Calliope)
4:15pm – 4:45pm Saturday (2nd & 4th Sundays of the month)
Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Star of the Sea (Gladstone)
8:30am – 9:30am Saturday
Star of the Sea - Gladstone
9:30am, 1st Saturday of the month
9:45am, 3rd Thursday of the month at the Parish Chapel
St Peter Chanel - Tannum Sands
Wednesday 10:00am